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Youth Election Awards 2024

²ÝÁñÉçÇø Win Gold

²ÝÁñÉçÇø were invited to the Youth Election Awards 2024 at the Wolverhampton Civic Centre.

As a school we took part in the ‘Make Your Mark and Youth MP Vote’ and were ecstatic to be awarded as the top performing school in the city for student participation.

²ÝÁñÉçÇø received the GOLD AWARD and £500 to invest in student leadership across the school.

A huge thank you to all the students involved in the vote and to the Deputy and Head Prefects who helped run the event.

Sienna Ahir – Wolverhampton Youth MP

We are so proud to announce Sienna Ahir (10JN) as the new Wolverhampton Youth MP.

She worked so hard in her campaign in the lead up to the election, resulting in her receiving the most votes across the city.

The Mayor of Wolverhampton presented our two new Wolverhampton MPs with their award, and we look forward to Sienna representing student voice across the city.